Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Back is Done!

I found the shoulder shaping pretty odd.. just casting off? No decreases? I had to read the pattern like.. 3 times to make sure I wasn't missing it.. lol.

Blocking is going to be crucial for this sweater.. I can so tell.. The back of mine looks like a little girl's dress:

My row count ended up being 136.. Quite a few.. but there's plenty of knitting to go.. On to the left front I go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your back looks great! The only changes I've done so far are to make the five cables on the left side slant left. I like to have lines of symmetry in cable sweaters. I will do short rows for the shaping of the shoulders before I bind off. I also plan on not knitting the part of the shawl collar that goes along the back until I've sewn the sweater together. I will pick up the stitches as I go along so I don't have to sew it in. I'll use Kirshner stich to graft the two haves together.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Wow.. you have all this figured out.. I'm not even sure I understand what you mean about all of it.. LOL. Thanks for the complement! : )

I was wondering why they didn't have the back cables symmetrical.. it doesn't make much sense.. but now I really want to see yours!

9:37 AM  

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